Friday, November 30, 2007

My Hair is Getting Long...and I Like it!

My hair is really getting long. This has been a long time in happening. But it is finally long enough that people who haven't seen me in a few months thought I got extensions.

After having a chin-length shag-inspired 'do for the last 4 years or so, and having it cut very short in the summer of '06 (not exactly by choice), I went in the other direction. And since I am moving further away from corporate image consulting and into just doing my own thing (hey, I work for myself and no one tells me what to do), I thought I would allow myself to wear it long again. After all, I finally - sort of - know what I'm doing with it.

And if anyone questions me about having long hair in a professional setting (which they have), the correct answer is that shorter hair IS more professional, but one's hair must have a definite style - even if long - and it should be out of your face. Too many women shoot themselves in the foot by letting their hair grow out of control, not getting regular trims and putting it in a low ponytail or pushing it back with a headband. Then it's just hair. Not a hairstyle.

But I'm having fun with it and that's what matters most, right?

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