Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's More Fun this Way!

My September newsletter (finally!) went out yesterday. The theme was organization and the title was "Monkeys in the Closet." Remember, I blame my disorganization on the monkeys.

It always amazes me that the more I go out on a limb (no pun intended) with the articles I write and the programs I create, the more praise I receive for being entertaining and innovative at the same time that I'm educating. It's crazy.

When I started my image consulting business, I saw other people in the industry writing and speaking on topics they called "The Power of Color" or "What is Business Casual?" or "Dressing Appropriately for Work."


Somewhere along the way, I gave myself carte blanche to do whatever the heck I want. The image industry is so 'inside the box'. So stringent. People assume an "image consultant" represents and creates corporate cookie cutter images.

I get to prove that stereotype completely false. How fun!

From my program "Is Your Career a Fashion Victim?" where the title looks like it was written in blood - seriously - to newsletter themes this year which included Kelly, Wendy and me being fashion pirates ("Sailing the Seven Seas of Sale Shopping", "Beauty Booty"), CSI's (Crimes of Style Investigators) "Fashion Personality: Decoding Your Style DNA", "Makeup Under the Microscope"), and we got to play drinking games in "A Sip of Summer Style" - my article was "Wardrobe Mixology").

For my men's newsletter, I got to review Dwight Schrute's (from The Office) awful wardrobe and I wrote an article called "ESPN Knows it. Do You?" about contrast in men's clothes.

It's really cool that I am in a position where I am free to amuse myself and apparently, and it amuses others as well.

Now my next step is topping myself, and I think my book concept will not only help young women with dressing for work, which is what I intend, but it will also push the envelope a little, and in contemporary society, that's highly desirable.

And the more edgy, quirky, absurd, silly, or just plain weird something is, the better I like it. And it seems other people like it better too.

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