Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What I'm Reading

In a conscious effort to read more, I am going to start documenting what I am reading in my blog. It's not that I don't read. I read bits and sections of dozens of books - constantly - but I rarely complete one book at a time. And when I actually do finish a book, it might be over a couple of years that I pick the same one up several times and read different segments.

So here's what I'm reading now:

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown
I am not the biggest fan of fiction, but I love his work. And not just because The DaVinci Code was trendy at one time. His work is easy to read, incredibly well thought out, and interesting to someone like me. (I'll gladly admit that Angels and Demons and DaVinci were extra-intriguing to this B.A. in Art History.)

What is My Dog Thinking? by Gwen Bailey (Ironically MY kooky dog's name is Bailey. I assume no relation to the author - hee hee.)

Forensic Science: A Geek's Guide by Steven Morris
Gotta have my forensics. I could never be a real-life detective or scientist (despite my minor in biology and dissecting way more creatures than this animal-lover and vegetarian would ever care to admit), so I play pretend CSI!

Now since I put this out in the blogosphere, maybe I'll finish a third...or dare I say, two-thirds of the books I am currently undertaking.

A girl can hope, can't she?

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